
WahooBus Android ToolsWahooBus Android Tools

WahooBus is a bus finding application made exclusively for the University of Virginia and Charlottesville area. The app allows you to input a Bus Stop ID, Browse a List of stops, view a selectable Map of the stops, even search for Buses Nearby (using GPS). It also allows you to save a list of a your favorite bus stops.

The app is 100% free to use in the hopes that it will be useful for fellow Wahoos at UVA. I will continue to develop/update this app frequently.

Updates v2.0+ include a new MapView mode plus tons of GUI improvements.

Please email me anytime for feedback: [email protected]

This app is in no way affiliated with the University of Virginia, UTS, or CTS.

App Specification

  • App Name: WahooBus
  • Rating: 4.8
  • Apk: com.Wahoo
  • Cost: Free
  • Developer: http://rohanp.tumblr.com