Widget that reads from Hong Kong Observatory.香港天氣widget New Features:5.18 - Bug Fix5.17 - Yellow/Red Fire Warning Fix5.16 - Compatibility w/ ADW.Launcher
WFTV 9 Orlando is now available for Android! We offer tons of local content, including: -Constantly updated news articles-Weather with maps-Sports scores and news-Flight tracker-Horoscopes-Lottery…
update: color setting androidapps clock skin, dont download if you dont have Weather & toggle widget search Weather & Toggle Widget or weather widget donate…
Now 9s-Weather brings you more fancy designed graphics to entertain your home screen, your weather, and your daily use of Android phone. 1.The plug-in might…
WTVR CBS 6 Richmond is now available for Android! We offer tons of local content, including: -Constantly updated news articles-Weather with maps-Sports scores and news-Flight…