SoundCloud Droid

SoundCloud Droid

Android client for SoundCloud. Upload files, search for artists, play tracks and download MP3-s. Upload from the app, or upload directly from other apps (see…



Engadget is the definitive source and final word for news on gadgets and technology. Engadgets team of expert editors and columnists cover the world of consumer electronics…



전국 공공도서관을 하나로 연결하는 손안의 도서관 BOOKnet (리브로피아) 입니다.전국 공공도서관이 제공하는 다양한 서비스를 언제 어디서나 안드로이드에서 만나실 수 있습니다. (구) 리브로피아 Based on the open…

Solitaire NG

Solitaire NG

Ken Magics Solitaire adapted to more recent (nextgeneration) devices. Open source, no ads. Changes include: Deal menu entry for devices with few hardware buttons Dynamic…



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