Sogou web site navigation for the cellular phone users collect hundreds of excellent and quality web sites, including: the famous stations, such as, SOHU, SINA,…
YiBo for Android , obtain the authorization from sina completely, let you enjoy all functions for sina twitter, plus-into its unique feature. Meanwhile, also quite…
新手开发,请大家多多关照!非官方,简洁版,可拍照。相关功能后续会不断完善。+拍照,上传图片 新浪微博的Android版手机客户端,类似 口袋微博 嘀咕 火兔 白社会 网易微博 腾讯微博。实现了阅读、发布、转发、私信、关注等各主要功能。支持搜狗输入法This application is the android client for Sina Weibo, with some features