우리금융그룹 tx MP트래블러

우리금융그룹 tx MP트래블러

[티엑스, 우리금융] ※ 주의: 옵티머스원(320x480)에서는 서비스되지 않습니다. ○ 서비스 소개 - “내 손안의 증권회사 MP트래블러”가 안드로이드 단말기 이용자를 위한 New Trend 증권거래 서비스를 선보입니다. MP트래블러는…

Alchemy Clip

Alchemy Clip

NEW VERSION! - Better Accuracy, TTS Mode !! ENGLISH ONLY Cameraphone OCR -> Android Clipboard / TTS 1. Photograph newspaper/etc text. 2. Image is OCRed,…



Simple FTP client for android. NEW FAQ PLEASE READ!!!! http://thecrayonbox.org/files/DroidFtpFAQ.html FAQ is linked from the about. Constructive emails/comments will get fixed ASAP. Whiners will be…

Taps 30

Taps 30

How many times can you tap the button in a mere 30 seconds?In this wide world, many great men hold many great records.Challenge yourself and…