導航王 Lite QVGA

導航王 Lite QVGA

支援 QVGA(320x240) HTC Tattoo、HTC wildfire提醒:Market僅提供導航王主程式下載,如您開啟後出現「資料庫不存在,程式即將關閉!」訊息,請使用電腦連線至導航王官網「下載專區」(www.naviking.com.tw/Download/Database.aspx),按照網頁說明、下載地圖資料並傳輸至記憶卡。 【生活資訊】提供周邊店家、路段地址、大眾運輸…等多種常用資訊,透過網路還可取得Yahoo生活+網友意見、電影場次、即時路況圖等即時資訊。 【導航地圖】提供汽、機車導航,結合測速照相語音提示及路口實景圖,行車安心更放心。 【定位分享】Gotcha!服務讓你透過網路或簡訊與親友分享彼此的位置資訊。

ALICIA nametone droid

ALICIA nametone droid

please type your name the word nametone in the market search, to find your personal DROID nametone.example: ALICIA nametone Nametones Berlin presents ALICIAOur Droid Nametone…

ETHAN nametone droid

ETHAN nametone droid

please type your name the word nametone in the market search, to find your personal DROID nametone.example: ETHAN nametone Nametones Berlin presents "ETHAN"Our Droid Nametone…

CODY nametone droid

CODY nametone droid

please type your name the word nametone in the market search, to find your personal DROID nametone.example: CODY nametone Nametones Berlin presents "CODY"Our Droid Nametone…

JESSE nametone droid

JESSE nametone droid

please type your name the word nametone in the market search, to find your personal DROID nametone.example: JESSE nametone Nametones Berlin presents "JESSE"Our Droid Nametone…

market demo

market demo

This is a demo app used during the talk at meetup.com that explained how to create an app, sign and upload it into Android market.…



Apologize To all users who downloaded SUUMOJUMP from Nov.25 2010 to Jan.24 2011 Recent version of SUUMOJUMP have unstable program. So we registeredagain in Android…