WiFi at Home

WiFi at Home

A very simple program that allows you to define your home-adress and an interval. Then when activated the program will check your location at the…

Wallpaper Shuffle

Wallpaper Shuffle

Shuffles your device wallpaper at a specified interval, using images on your SD Card, and/or by automatically downloading new images from the internet. Comes with…



The Round Timer is a fully functional round/sparring timer that allows you to customize the length of the rounds, warning bell and resting period. The…

RunKeeper Pro

RunKeeper Pro

RunKeeper uses GPS to track your fitness activities, including distance, time, pace, calories, heart rate, and path traveled on a map. Pro version also provides…



APN+ is a tool that works with APNDroid to allow you to automatically enable or disable your APN connection based on scheduled times. Can be…



A simple app that will monitor if an system is down or up given a port number. The update interval can be changed, and will…