Menstruation Calendar

Menstruation Calendar

enter menstruationforecast of period automatically or via setting own cycle lengthperiod reminderpill intake reminderrecord complaints and their intensity notesnotesdocumentation of sexual interactionfertile days (not capable…

Calories Calculator

Calories Calculator

The Calories Calculator determines the recommended daily calorie intake for weight maintenance. This calculator is based on Harris-Benedict Equation that uses your Basal Metabolic Rate…

Track Calorie

Track Calorie

Help you lose weight easily! Track your daily calories intake with our comprehensive food journal containing over 625,000 food.--- Large database of food, restaurant and…



Welcome to EatNow! At last, a cooking advice-giver gadget that lets you share your daily food intake with your friends! To get in on the…

Absolute Fitness

Absolute Fitness

Absolute Fitness allows you to log and manage your food intake, exercise, weight and diet goals. It includes an extensive database and advanced features like…