Restaurant food Calories contains detailed calorie information about 50 top restaurants like A&W,Applebee,Arbys,KFC,Baja Fresh,Boston Market,Burger King,Dunkin Donuts,McDonalds,Panda Express,Pizza Hut,Starbucks,Subway and many more. The app provides…
Shows nutrition content of 7000+ kinds of food: calories, carbs, proteins, vitamins, fat and fatty acids, etc. -Reliable data from United States Department of Agriculture…
Restaurant food Calories contains detailed calorie information about 50 top restaurants like A&W,Applebee,Arbys,KFC,Baja Fresh,Boston Market,Burger King,Dunkin Donuts,McDonalds,Panda Express,Pizza Hut,Starbucks,Subway and many more. The app provides…