Q Surveying

Q Surveying

The Vertice app gives you access to informative Guides dealing with common problems that arise in property development, building and construction. The app is divided…



AppInvestor allows investors to post budgeted project ideas to a mobile marketplace for Android developers to initiate contacts.AppDeveloper is the mobile marketplace for developers to…

Android Drawable List

Android Drawable List

AndroidDrawable is a tools for Android developers, it show the Android build-in resources in android.R.drawable (http://developer.android.com/reference/android/R.drawable.html). The app show you the resources id and name.

GPS Tether

GPS Tether

Warning: THIS IS FOR ADVANCED USERS AND DEVELOPERS ONLY!It is NOT fully functional yet.GPS Tether is a gpsd compatible server which can be used over…



This program was published for testing.It is different the actual operating data.It can be fatal problem.Do not install other than developers and testers.