A handy unit conversion utility program that allows the user to convert between common and some less common units. Examples of conversion types include area,…
Color Master allows conversion between RGB, HEX and HSL. You can also copy the colors to the clipboard for use in any application. Comments/questions/request? Email…
Yet another Tip calculator... fast and minimal UI with virtual key-pad and touch interface. Calculates tip, tax, currency conversion and split by number of people.…
Game LudoCovjeceLite is conversion of sorry board game. Game is played against computer aided player. Moves are drawn simultaneously every six seconds. Each player has…
Add-on for GDocs that allows document import/export between Google Document and your phone. It supports original format I/O as well as conversion into Google Document…
Game is conversion of sorry board game.Why Crazy? All players are playing at the same time. Features: fast gameplay game tutorial not so cool graphichs…