AlHijri lets you convert Gregorian to Hijri date and vice versa. islam, hijri, gregorian, muslims, arabic, god, allah, religion
Alphabets are the building blocks of language. Learn the alphabets for Greek, Russian, Arabic, Hebrew, Korean and English. A quiz mode helps you practice. And…
Fluent English will help you practice understanding native English speakers. It works like an audio book reader and also provides translation for words that you…
Display foreign language characters clearly after copying unclear text to clipboard. Convert squares to viewable characters. 1. Copy unclear text to clipboard (SMS, Browser...)2. Run…
Lingopal Arabic Lite gives you essential translated phrases including audio. Great for backpacking, business travel, multi-cultural living, and getting yourself into and out of trouble…
The English Arabic Translator is the debut for Arabic on Android! Type English text to give the Arabic scripts via Google Translate and Dictionary. *Unconnect,Copy,Send,Romanize,Transcribe…