Mega Mall Of MN Directory
This is a store guide for the Megamall in Bloomington, MN, otherwise known as the Mall Of America. You can filter stores by category, floor, or direction/location. You can tap on a store name and see the location of the store on a map of the Mall along with your current location on the map. This is perfect for finding the stores you are looking for quickly or just discovering new stores in the categories you are interested in. This application also has an events list that displays the current and upcoming events that are scheduled at the Mall Of America. Displays event name, location, date and hours. You can click on the event to see the detail. Includes shopping list feature so you can keep track of those Black Friday deals and Holiday gifts!
Tags: Shopping, MOA, Mall Of America, Black Friday, Mall Directory, UnderWater World
This is an up to date list of stores as of Jan 2011 but if you see any stores missing please email us and we will add it to the app
App Specification
- App Name: Mega Mall Of MN Directory
- Rating: 4.65
- Apk: com.twistbyte.moa
- Cost: Free
- Developer: