Classic phone Ringtones
Agreement: To save as ringtone,notify and Alarm, please download our application and give five stars. This will ensure continued development on this, and other Android applications.
Playing Ringtone: Click buttons to play ringtones within the app.
Saving: To save ringtones to phone, hold the button for one second until a menu is displayed and choose an option from the menu.\n\n*After installing, you can choose to set as default ringtone of that type or not.
If the ringtone is already installed, the menu will change to Manage rather than install. This option allows you to uninstall or set as default ringtone.
Notifications: For notifications, only the system wide DEFAULT notification can be set. You may have apps which individually choose alternate notifications rather than the default. For example, in Gmail go to menu->more->settings and choose \'Select ringtone\'. Anything other than \'Default ringtone\' being set here will override the notification setting set within the Sound app. To enable the notification set by the sound app, choose \'Default ringtone\' within the application in which you wish the notification to apply.
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App Specification
- App Name: Classic phone Ringtones
- Rating: 4.68
- Apk: com.baylandblue.sounds.phoneringtones
- Cost: Free
- Developer: